
What is the history of NTG Clarity Networks?
NTG Clarity Networks Inc. was formed following the reverse takeover (RTO) of NTG International Inc. on March 15, 2001 by Clarity Telecom Networking (a capital pool company) listed on the CDNX (CTW).
Established in 1992, NTG Clarity has been a leader in delivering network, IT and infrastructure solutions to telecommunications service providers. NTG Clarity has maintained a record of consistently high performance and profitability, while establishing itself as a company with strong financial, technical and operational capabilities.
On what exchange is NTG Clarity listed, and what is the ticker symbol?
NTG Clarity is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the ticker symbol NCI.
When was NTG Clarity founded?
Ashraf Zaghloul founded NTG International (NTGI) in 1992. In 2001, through a reverse takeover of Clarity Telecom, NTG Clarity was listed on CDNX.
 Where is NTG Clarity located?
 NTG Clarity has offices and operations in Toronto, Canada, Cairo, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Oman.
How many people does NTG Clarity employ worldwide?
NTG Clarity employs approximately 300 people worldwide.

When is NTG Clarity's fiscal year end?
NTG Clarity's year-end is December 31.
When will NTG Clarity release its next quarterly financial results?
NTG Clarity typically announces its earnings within 60 days after the quarter ends and 120 days after year end.
When was Clarity Telecom Networking's public offering (prior to RTO) and what was the opening price?
Clarity's initial public offering dated Aug. 17, 2000 was at thirty cents per common share, and two million common shares were issued.
Who do I contact if I have questions about my stock certificates or I need theregistered name changed?
NTG Clarity's transfer agent is Odyssey Trust. For help with any stock certificate related questions or issues please contact Odyssey at call 587.885.0960